The CSE Department at UNT has multiple tenure-track Assistant, Associate Professor, and Full Professor position openings. The department plans to contribute to the college priorities by hiring faculty who can strengthen or complement our existing research areas. We primarily seek candidates in research areas of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, and Computer Architecture. Candidates are encouraged to look at our current strengths (e.g., faculty profiles) and address in their application materials how their research expertise would boost our strengths and capacity for future innovations. Our hires will also contribute to the College of Engineering’s Strategic Thrust areas, namely Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, and Healthcare Innovations.
Candidates for these positions are expected to develop a strong externally funded research program, teach undergraduate/graduate courses in CSE, mentor graduate students, and provide service to the university and the profession.
The review of the applications will start on February 3, 2025. Applications after this date will also be considered until the positions are filled. We anticipate openings with a preferred start date in Fall 2025; however, consideration may be extended to Spring 2026.
For questions, you may reach to the hiring committee chair, Dr. Serdar Bozdag at
Minimum Qualifications
The ideal candidate should hold a terminal degree in the discipline or having equivalent applied experience, appointed to perform the responsibilities of teaching, scholarship, and service. Candidates who are ABD will be considered, but the position requires completion of degree by date of appointment.
Candidates seeking appointment at the Associate or Full Professor rank should have a sustained record of scholarship and external research funding, successful mentoring of junior faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and recognized service activities. Must meet UNT’s criteria for tenure at the appropriate rank.
Preferred Qualifications
We seek candidates who can strengthen or complement our existing strength research areas, specifically in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, and Computer Architecture.
For an Assistant Professor position, a strong publication record and the potential to succeed in securing external funding and mentoring graduate students are required.
For an Associate or Full Professor position, we require a sustained record of research excellence demonstrated via securing external funding for research activities, providing mentoring to junior faculty, advising graduate students, and providing service to the university and profession.