PhD in Bioinformatics in Tropical Australia

James Cook University
Centre for Tropical Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Australia Queensland Cairns


Successful PhD candidate will work with leading immunologists and bioinformaticians across Australia in networks including the Centre for Personalised Immunology ( and CIRCA ( This project will utilise the latest in sequencing technologies (including single cell and long reads) to discover the genetic contribution to human immunological diseases. This PhD would help develop cutting edge bioinformatics workflows and through collaborations with the Garvan Institute of Medical Research to further our understanding of the progression of autoimmune disease.


Education in the relevant areas of bioinformatics, computational biology, software engineering, biostatistics or related disciplines.
Benefical to have experience with the following:
1. Genetic variation analysis

2. Development of computational workflows and software tools

3. Pipeline/algorithm development and implementation in R, Python, Perl, shell scripts

4. Next generation sequencing data analysis (RNA-Seq, WGS, long-reads, single cell)

5. Immunology

Start date

July 12, 2024

How to Apply

Please direct PhD inquiries to Matt Field.


Matt Field