A postdoctoral research associate position is immediately available in the lab of Dr. Jinghui Zhang, St. Jude Endowed Chair in Bioinformatics and Member in the Department of Computational Biology, for a highly motivated candidate to pursue cutting-edge research involving long-read sequencing technology. The candidate will be developing and applying new analytical approaches to study complex genomic architecture, genetic predisposition and treatment resistance using long-read sequencing data. The Zhang lab will provide training and mentoring on cancer genomics, large-cohort study, cloud computing, project management, manuscript preparation, grant writing and oral presentation.
The fellow will have opportunities to interact with leaders in the fields of pediatric cancer and translational research within and outside the institution. Innovative research leading to high-impact scientific publication is highly encouraged and will be supported by the lab’s research infrastructure. The appointment will be for 2-5 years, depending on the candidate’s goals, qualifications, and productivity.
Email CV to postdoc@stjude.org with subject line - 'Application for Postdoctoral Research Associate - Computational Biology - Zhang Lab from ISMB24 portal'