Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Biomedical Data Science, Precision Health & Artificial Intelligence

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
United States NH LEBANON


The Department of Biomedical Data Science (BMDS) and the Center for Precision Health & Artificial Intelligence (CPHAI) at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth invite applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. This role represents a targeted collaboration to further Dartmouth's innovative efforts in precision health through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications.

BMDS offers a dynamic and interactive environment with a commitment to research excellence. BMDS faculty members benefit from highly collaborative and collegial interactions across campus, including departments at Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth’s College of Arts and Sciences, Thayer School of Engineering, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth Cancer Center, and Dartmouth Health's clinical departments. CPHAI is a new initiative that will foster novel, interdisciplinary AI and machine learning research, advancing public health and healthcare delivery, and positioning Dartmouth as a global leader in precision health. As an Ivy League research university and the birthplace of AI, Dartmouth is a leading teaching and research institution in the United States, dedicated to finding solutions to the world's most challenging problems and preparing students for leadership roles. The Center for Precision Health & Artificial Intelligence is at the forefront of this commitment, fostering novel, interdisciplinary AI and machine learning research to harness biomedical data, advancing public health and healthcare delivery.

Successful applicants will develop vigorous and innovative research programs focused on biomedical informatics, machine learning in healthcare, personalized medicine, learning healthcare systems, medical image analysis, clinical natural language processing, or multimodal healthcare data analytics, with the goal of having a practical impact on healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Expertise in interpretable machine learning, ethical and equitable use of AI, and algorithmic bias mitigation is strongly encouraged. A generous start-up package, as well as access to state-of-the-art research facilities, will be provided. Individuals will be given opportunities for mentorship and teaching in relevant PhD and MS graduate programs (e.g., Program in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences). Opportunities for innovative research methods development and application are facilitated through Dartmouth’s high-performance computing resources (e.g., Discovery), access to Dartmouth’s Shared Resources, and interactions with existing NIH Centers for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBREs) at Dartmouth. Successful individuals will be provided a tenure-track faculty appointment in the Department of Biomedical Data Science at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College. Secondary appointments in other departments at Dartmouth College and Dartmouth Health may be available depending on expertise and experience.

Dartmouth is located in the picturesque Upper Connecticut River Valley on the New Hampshire and Vermont border, a vibrant, academic and professional community offering excellent schools, lively arts, and an unmatched quality of life in a beautiful, rural setting. Boston, MA; Burlington, VT; New Haven, CT; New York City, NY; and Montreal, QC are all within a few hours' drive.

Candidates are expected to have a strong record of scholarship, to develop an independent research program, and to participate in graduate-level teaching. Evidence of an ability to secure extramural funding is desirable. Furthermore, candidates should have a PhD and/or MD (or equivalent) in a related field, and current faculty appointment at the level of Assistant Professor will be preferred, but Associate Professors may also be considered.

Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
BMDS and CPHAI at Geisel, and Dartmouth are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive population of students, faculty, and staff. Dartmouth recently launched a new initiative, Toward Equity, that embraces shared definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as a foundation for our success in institutional transformation. We are especially interested in applicants who are able to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds and with different identities and attributes.

Applicants should upload a cover letter addressed to the Search Committee Chair, Professor Saeed Hassanpour, along with a CV, a research statement describing their research interests and future research plans (up to 3 pages), a statement of teaching philosophy (up to one page), a statement of contributions to diversity (up to one page), and three letters of recommendation from referees to apply.interfolio.com/134886.

Screening of applications will begin December 1, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.


Candidates are expected to have a strong record of scholarship, to develop an independent research program, and to participate in graduate-level teaching. Evidence of an ability to secure extramural funding is desirable. Furthermore, candidates should have a PhD and/or MD (or equivalent) in a related field, and current faculty appointment at the level of Assistant Professor will be preferred, but Associate Professors may also be considered.

Start date

As soon as possible

How to Apply
