Full Time Research Scientist in statistics/machine learning applied to genomics

Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine - CEA
France Evry


The main task of this position will be to develop multivariate statistical analysis methods for the integrative analysis of multi-omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.), with the aim of identifying and interpret groups of 'omics' markers that are highly correlated with a given pathology, and to as well as identifying possible subtypes of this pathology. In a precision medicine perspective, the aim is to better model the aetiology of the disease and identify each disease and to identify each subtype, in order to better predict its evolution, the efficacy of a treatment, or even to identify new therapeutic targets.


Holders of a PhDin applied mathematics or statistics, computational biology, computer science or a related discipline, candidates should have significant experience in statistical analysis and machine learning. Knowledge of genomics or biomedical research, as well as in deep learning, would be highly appreciated. Fluent English required. This position requires the ability to communicate multidisciplinary teams, an understanding of scientific issues, rigour and autonomy.

Start date

As soon as possible

How to Apply

Send a CV, covering letter and two references to edith.lefloch@cnrgh.fr

