Join the DREAM Board of Directors
DREAM is a volunteer organization focused on using crowd-sourced challenges to benchmark algorithms in biomedicine. The DREAM Board is excited to initiate the search for a new DREAM Director to help shape and lead DREAM activities.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be recognized as a global leader, working with a diverse research community to acquire external funding, publish impactful peer-reviewed studies and to create gold-standard benchmarks. DREAM is currently supported by funding from the NIH and other federal entities, from Foundations and from the biotech, pharma and technology industries Its community of >30,000 solvers have been involved in dozens of standard-setting benchmarks over the past two decades. DREAM Directors are expected to:
1 Attend biweekly Director meetings
2 Lead at least one DREAM Challenge each year
3 Participate in DREAM activities such as the writing of review articles and helping to organize the ISCB RSG/DREAM meeting
Required skills and qualifications:
• knowledge of machine/statistical learning best practices
• experience in multi-disciplinary collaborative research
• commitment to principles of open science and data ethics
Other desirable skills and qualifications:
• experience in biomedical algorithm benchmarking
• expertise in one or more biomedical data types and/or research domains
• track record of impactful peer-reviewed research publications
• familiarity with data engineering and cloud computing
Interested candidates should email a CV and cover letter to